The project STEP-2-SPORT just published its second newsletter and raises topics such as the last World Sustainable Energy Days Conference, the updates about energy efficiency in the building sector with a concrete example in Bulgaria where funds aim to tackle the problem. Last, STEP-2-SPORT joined efforts with another project to promote the energy renovation of existing sports facilities.
STEP-2-SPORT participated last February in the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED), one of the largest annual conferences in Europe dealing with energy efficiency and renewable energies. Around 700 participants from around 57 countries attended to the WSED 2016 edition, which took place in Wels (Austria). Read more
In Plovdiv, Bulgaria the Ministry of Youth and Sports launched public procurement for the implementation of energy saving measures in the Multifunctional Sports Hall, one of the pilot sport buildings triggered by Step-2-Sport project and coordinated by the Energy Agency of Plovdiv. The package of measures, worth 66 500 euro, aims to tackle the problem with the overall inefficiency of the building by implementing several energy efficiency measure. Read more
The Paris Agreement was a historical achievement. The world’s governments committed to restrict global warming below 2oC, which effectively means that global greenhouse gas emissions need to be eliminated in the 2nd half of our century. But what are the Agreement’s implications for the buildings sector? Read more
n0e-sport and Step-2-Sport are EU projects developed under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme (IEE) with a common objective: to promote the energy renovation of existing sports facilities to pave the way towards nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB). Sports facilities from 12 EU countries located in different climatic conditions are benefitting from the results of these projects.