The 4th Industrial Revolution at the Service of Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection

8 companies accompanied by 5 research organisations join forces in the framework of a CIEN R&D project supported by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) to develop tools and technologies to automate the maintenance and inspection management in various industrial fields.

In the framework of the Strategic Programme of National Business Research Consortia (CIEN), 8 companies accompanied by 5 research organisations all located in Spain get together to investigate various tools and technologies with the aim to automate and optimise the maintenance and inspection of complex and unattended facilities.

With a total budget of 6M€ over 4 years, the consortium will develop inspection and maintenance solutions such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), optimise sensors communications, develop information visualisation techniques, and investigate in the field of complex data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The final objective is to facilitate the adoption of these new services by national businesses in order to increase automation and industrial competitiveness. Also, these technologies can minimize the risks for workers and for the environment associated with inspection and maintenance operations.

The project led by TSK is made up of 2 large companies (TSK and COMSA), 3 medium-sized companies (PREDITEC, TELICE, and DIAGNÓSTIQA) and 3 small companies (DRONETOOLS, SYLTEC and TRESCA). In addition, 5 research organisations support the consortium: University of Sevilla, University of Granada, University of Salamanca, ITCL and Leitat.

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