LEITAT´s Participation and Presentation @H2020 TRANSPORT Infoday 2013

To support the preparation of proposals, the Transport Directorate of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Directorate-General organised an Information Day on 18 December 2013 from 9 AM till 6 PM in the Charlemagne building, rue de la Loi 170, Brussels.

The aim of the day was to inform potential participants in the first round of calls under the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Challenge of the new Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and to offer some unique opportunities for networking.

Leitat’s profile was presented during the brokerage event organised and jointly supported by ETNA plus and Enterprise Europe Network, focusing on the topics covered by the first round of Horizon 2020 calls to be published in December 2013.

To access the recorded live streaming of the infoday:


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