How to reduce the environmental impact associated to the health sector? A simpple video.

BOHEALTH aims to reduce the environmental impact associated with the health sector (e.g., hospitals) by facilitating the decision-making process of the management. To show the activities and results of the project, the consortium has created a video. We hope you will enjoy it!

The objectives of the project are:

  • The real environmental and economic impact of the different environmental aspects associated with the organisation, considering their entire life cycle (highlighting hidden or external costs).
  • Identifying the “key performance indicators” (KPIs) and “functional units” which best fit with Health sector characteristics, in order to monitor and control these aspects.
  • Identifying the Best Available Techniques (BATs) that can be applied to reduce these aspects, including technical, environmental, and economic assessments.
  • Supporting, with quantitative figures, the definition of “Sustainable Action Plans” to be applied to each centre, taking into account the previous information.
  • Allowing a clear and quantitative comparison between the initial and improved situation (i.e., after action plan implementation), from an economic and environmental viewpoint.

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