Pan European NMP Cluster Vision 2020 @ LEITAT


LEITAT Technological Center hosted the first Vision 2020 NMP Cluster (Nanotechnologies, advanced materials and production) meeting in Terrassa, Barcelona on the 31st October 2014.

Aside from discussions focusing on addressing the Horizon 2020 NMP 2015 calls for proposals, the programme included a session on ‘Proposal Success in Horizon 2020’ led by the Vision2020 Expert Member Pera Technology, as well as talks by several invited speakers from the EU and industry.

On the afternoon session, a Public Brokerage Session took place with a success level of participation at international level.

You can take a look at the Agenda with the presentations attached for more details:

Pan European NMP Cluster Vision 2020

AGENDA – 31st of October 2014

9:30h 10:00h Registration
10:00h 10:15h LEITAT Welcome – International Project Office
10:15h 10:30h Vision2020 – Abdul Rahim, Director Vision 2020
10:30h 11:00h EMIRI – Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative –Dr. Fabrice Stassin
11:00h 11:30h Coffee Networking
11:30h 12:00h Invited speaker from Industry, TOLSA S.A.
12:00h 12:20h LEIT at LEITAT – Champion NMP Vision2020, Dr. Vincent Jamier
12:20h 12:40h Proposal Success in Horizon 2020 – PERA Technology
12:40h 14:00h Open Brokerage Session NMP Calls 2015, (5 slides – 5 min each)
14:00h 14:30h Lunch Break
14:30h 17:00h Parallel sessions *
14:30h 17:00h Meeting sessions with PERA for members Vision 2020 – ‘1-2-1 workshops with PERA in order to discuss your concept and fit-to-call’
14:30h 17:00h LEITAT tour sessions

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