Electrochemical Energy Storage Workshop in Barcelona

IRECElectrochemical energy storage, the Institute for Research in Energy of Catalonia is organising an Electrochemical Energy Storage Workshop in Barcelona on the 10th of December. Christophe Aucher, Principal Investigator at LEITAT will present reserach activities in the field of Post Lithium-Ion. More precisely, Christophe Aucher will present ALISE (Advance Lithium Sulphur Batteries for Hybrid Electric Vehicle) and ALION (High Specific Energy Aluminium-Ion Rechargeable Decentralized Electricity Generation Sources) projects. More information during his speech.

Electrochemical energy storage is one of the most developed technology to store and transport energy. Nonetheless there are many aspects in which it can be improved, including next generation battery design. This workshop aims to recollect next generation batteries that are being developing in Catalonia focusing on their strengths in a variety of applications. We explore different technologies such as: Lithium batteries, post-lithium, 2nd life batteries, supercaps and redox flow batteries with different electrolytes.

You can download the programme here. If you want to attend the workshop subscribe here.

The event is co-organised with Xarmae, the Reference Network in Advanced Materials for Energy.

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