Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials in H2020: LEITAT in top five RTOs

On the 9th of February 2017, the European Commission (DG RTD Unit D3) organised in Brussels a workshop entitled “Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials for Regional Growth – The Challenge of upscaling”. The full presentation can be downloaded here.

The Commission gave an overview about nanotechnologies, advanced materials and production in Horizon 2020, where LEITAT (ACONDICIONAMIENTO TARRASENSE ASSOCIACION) appears as the fifth largest participant among RTOs regarding its involvement in European projects in this area. LEITAT is very proud to have reached such a high level of competence and knowledge. This is due to the high participation and dedication of LEITAT in EU projects in this area. To see the list of the projects in which LEITAT is participating, click here.

Comparing countries, Germany and Spain are the two leading countries in this area. Catalonia as a region is also very well ranked (number 2) at EU level comparing the amount of EU contributions captured in the field of nanotechnologies, advanced materials and production in Horizon 2020. LEITAT is very grateful towards its European and Catalan partners which contributed to these excellent results.

Over 80 people gathered in Brussels to share experience, work collaboratively, and discuss the state of play and future developments of the pilot lines for upscaling nanotechnologies and advanced materials for regional growth.

Regional representatives of different Members States, together with Project Coordinators, exploitation leaders, pilot line developers from RTOs, businesses, and civil society organisations actively joined the discussion, and interesting lessons came up from good practices for future widening initiatives across Europe.

This workshop gave the participants the opportunity to be actively engaged in the process of collecting ideas for future activities and priorities for the 2018-2020 programming period. The high turn up and active engagement of invited experts in the discussion marked the success of this initiative launched and organised by DG Research in close collaboration with DG Regio, GROW, and JRC.

Participants unanimously called for another meeting, in 6 months from now, to make the point of what suggested and plan ahead. A summary of the workshop highlights will be made available shortly.

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