Point-of-care (PoC) in vitro diagnostic device for the screening of colorectal cancer using tumour derived extracellular vesicles (EV).



ONCO_IVD goal is to design and validate a new PoC test based in lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) ultrasensitive detection of specific Colorectal cancer (CRC) derived EVs in blood.

The new product would be able to reduce the current CRC mortality of 45%, or 25% after current screening programs by: (1) being able to detect the disease in earlier stage; (2) facilitating CRC screening access with a fast, inexpensive PoC test also accessible to countries with low health infrastructure; (3) avoiding hundreds of thousands of unnecessary colonoscopies.  

This breakthrough would have a potential value of 880 million USD. The development of the first EV-based PoC cancer screening product can be an important boost to the IVD EU industry and place Europe in a leadership position in this emerging field.


Project Budget: 1.108.790,56 €                 

LEITAT Budget: 140.520,96 €                  

Financial Framework: Proyectos en colaboración público-privada 2021                          

Start Date: 01/09/2022

End Date: 31/08/2025

Contract number: CPP2021-008730                            





Proyecto CPP2021-008730 financiado por:

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