Bone reconstruction represents a significant healthcare challenge with autografts not suitable for large bone defects and allografts complicated by immunorejection. The EU-funded SBR project develops a smart implant approach for controllable and fast restoration. The proposed solution involves creation of 3D-printed medical-grade polymer scaffolds with embedded stem cells and bioactive factors customised for patient pathology and physiology. In addition, the scaffold design will enable addition of different sensors for monitoring implant performance based on biocompatible conductive 3D printing inks. Finally, the project will test in vivo proof of concept in studies with large animal models and also elaborate the regulatory and commercialisation strategy for future clinical testing.
Project Budget: 6.379.337,50 €
Leitat Budget: 854.335,00 €
Financial Framework: Horizon 2020
Contract number: 874896
Start Date: 01/01/2020
End Date: 31/12/2023

Contact Manager: I. Prats