LEITAT @Kick-off Meeting of FP7 project GRAIN2 in Hangzhou, China

Joint Research Effort for Sustainable Aviation

Hangzhou/ China, 28th – 30th October 2013

The scientific and technological workshop of the EU-China Coordinated Support Action GRAIN2 (GRAIN2: GReener Aeronautics International Networking 2) addresses greening technologies for aviation of the main relevant areas at the occasion of the Kick-off Meeting of joint EU-China research and networking project GRAIN2.

GRAIN2 Project will provide inputs and roadmaps for the development of large scale simulation strategies for greener technologies to meet the above future requirements on emissions, fuel consumption and noise. To reach these targets, green technologies efforts will have to be collected and prospected in three major lines: Air vehicle, Air Transport System and Sustainable Energies. Three folds to be investigated as future greening technologies:

1) Greening the aircraft and the aero engine

2) Greening the operational environment

3) Reducing the carbon foot print of aviation via sustainable alternative fuels

For more info: http://www.cesc.zju.edu.cn/grain2/

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