Collaborations Between Artificial Intelligence and Radiology

HelloAI Professional is a two-day blended-learning experience that brings together key industry players in AI-powered diagnostic imaging. Join radiologist colleagues well-versed in AI solutions, innovation experts solving medical imaging challenges, and technical and university researchers in Barcelona for a practical journey into AI-powered radiology.

Why collaborate with AI

Innovation is inevitable. According to the Breugel Institute, 54% of jobs in the OECD countries could be automated with innovative solutions in the next two decades. That is, more than 5 jobs out of 10 will be affected somehow by digital transformation.

AI is one of the most powerful digital forces sweeping the medical industry today. Perhaps above all of its other potential uses in healthcare, its most immediate, promising and practical application can be found in radiology. And it already is.   

For medical professionals, the rising buzz around Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence does little to provide an understanding on how it can be integrated into their own medical institutions or daily practice without risking the threat of replacing themselves. The result is a lost opportunity to improve medical practices and provide better, more affordable care. 

Join us in our mission to turn working with AI into collaboration instead of competition.

Demystify the world of AI

Automated processes and increased development in the cognitive capabilities of software is rapidly transforming the way in which radiologists work. This training aims to give clarity to professionals wondering how the black box of AI transforms traditional image processing, and how it will affect radiology professionals’ daily responsibilities and career trajectories. Research experts will provide a contextual understanding of AI, and its history and evolution in the field of radiology.

Learn the language behind Machine Learning

Dispel confusion surrounding algorithm-based medical image processing. Gain an understanding of the technical jargon behind the technology and its application and pave the way for an informed approach to AI implementation in your institution. Tech experts and innovators clearly break down the technical information that you need to know in order to empower yourself with AI.

Apply and boost your professional performance

There are many misgivings around integrating AI into radiology workflows, based on the fear that the technology will ultimately replace the value of information experts in medicine. A selected group of radiology professionals will share their experiences on how they’ve used algorithm based image processing to successfully provide a more differentiated diagnosis, pick up repetitive routine tasks, offer a second opinion and eliminate inter- and intra-observer variability, thereby boosting the quality of their work and caregiving.

Explore the additional medical applications of AI

Demand for affordable and accessible healthcare is at its peak, and AI is poised to reimagine a range of medical applications in a simple, cost-effective way. Learn about additional AI applications in the medical field beyond radiology and how they can contribute to optimized hospital workflows and patient care.

About HelloAI

HelloAI was founded in 2018 as an EIT Health supported education activity for university students, with the goals of involving future talents in solving issues and discussing opportunities about using AI in Healthcare. Our team has organized trainings for 120+ students from across Europe in Stockholm, Barcelona and Budapest in collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (KTH), LEITAT Technology Center Barcelona and GE Healthcare.

The success of our HelloAI Summer School and demand for a training on AI development and implementation in healthcare led to the conception of HelloAI Professional.

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