Final Workshop of Dry Wool Scouring Project in Barcelona – 04/02/2016

WDS workshopThe WDS project is having its final workshop in Barcelona on the 4th of February 2016.

WDS is a LIFE+ project developing an eco-efficient Dry Wool Scouring system with total by-products recovery.


During this event, we will present concrete results of the developments made in the dry wool scouring process. The project has developed an innovative and sustainable technological process that recovers grease (lanolin) and dust/vegetable fibre, which can find application as a fertiliser.

This event will also be an occasion to share best practices among professionals working in the field of wool.

Wool Dry Scouring


If you want to attend this event, please register here. We would be happy to see you there.

Click here to download the preliminary agenda of the workshop. We will communicate within a few weeks further detail about this event.


WDS aims to obtain valuable scoured clean wool of improved combing yield, to maximise the value and recovery yield of grease wool components, such as a water-soluble fraction, a solvent-soluble fraction, dust and vegetal fibre, and to obtain by-products with a market value, and saving water and energy in comparison with conventional aqueous process: reducing the load in waste effluents.

Location: Residència d’Investigadors del CSIC. Carrer Hospital, 64 – 08001 Barcelona


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