LEITAT Joins the US-EU NanoEHS Workshop in Arlington, VA

The US-EU dialogue, bridging nanoEHS research, has three goals

– engaging in an active discussion about environmental, health, and safety questions for nano-enabled products
– encouraging joint programs of work that would leverage resources
– establishing communities of practice, including identification of key points-of-contact / interest groups / themes between key US and EU researchers and key US and EU funding sources for near-term and future collaborations.

LEITAT has participated in the US-EU nanoEHS Workshop in Arlington, VA. The event brought together the U.S.-EU Communities of Research (CORs), which are a platform for scientists address environmental, health, and safety questions about nanomaterials by developing a shared repertoire of protocols and methods to overcome research gaps and barriers. The workshop publicize progress towards COR goals and objectives, clarify and communicate future plans, share best practices, and identify areas of cross-Community collaboration.The event was attended by US and European scientists from various universities, research centers and industries active in the field of nanohealth and safety.

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