Consortium Meeting of SAbyNA: a step forward in platform development

On 24 and 25 October, the consortium of the European SAbyNA project met at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) to review the progress of the project.

The meeting, which was attended by all members of the consortium, was a resounding success. Participants were able to exchange information and experiences and discuss the next steps for the project.

One of the most important topics of the meeting was the progress of the SAbyNA platform. Participants discussed the results of the platform’s tests, which were very positive. The platform proved to be capable of processing large amounts of data efficiently. The meeting also served to plan the next steps for the project.

The SAbyNA consortium is made up of 17 partners from 10 European countries. The project aims to develop the SAbyNA Guidance Platform, which is an interactive and comprehensive web service that will help to mitigate the potential risks to human and environmental health associated with this type of material by following the principles of Safe-by-Design. This concept focuses on predicting the toxicological effects and the potential for exposure from the design and production of the product to its end of life and implementing safety and prevention measures.

Details of the meeting

The meeting began with a welcome session and a presentation by each party. On the second day, specific aspects, and topics for discussion of the platform were discussed, and the meeting concluded with a visit to the CEA facilities.

In the afternoon session, participants listened to a presentation on the results of the initial tests of the SAbyNA platform. The presentation was given by a team of researchers from the Galician Supercomputing Centre.

The meeting concluded with a session of conclusions in which participants agreed on the next steps for the project.

Impact of the project

The European SAbyNA project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme and coordinated by Leitat, held a webinar this October to present the online platform that is being developed to support industry in the development of nanomaterials and nanotechnological products. The SAbyNA Guidance Platform is an interactive and comprehensive web service that will help to mitigate the potential risks to human and environmental health associated with this type of material by following the principles of Safe-by-Design. This concept focuses on predicting the toxicological effects and the potential for exposure from the design and production of the product to its end of life and implementing safety and prevention measures.

The consortium meeting was an important step for the SAbyNA project. The meeting allowed consortium partners to exchange information and experiences, and plan the next steps for the project.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 862419

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