LEITAT @ Launch of Horizon 2020 in Madrid

The Conference under the motto “HORIZON 2020 – From Knowledge to Innovation” has been organized by the CDTI and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, in collaboration with the European Commission. The main objective of the Conference is to provide Spanish entities with information about the goals, structure, and priorities of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2014-2020 (Horizon 2020), serving as the official launch of Horizon 2020 in Spain.

During the Conference, Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, remarked on the opportunities that Horizon 2020 represents for Spain, focusing on strategies to encourage Spanish participation and fostering project leadership.

If you want to have more details about the whole speech, click on the following link:

Speech – Launch of Horizon 2020 in Spain

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