Beyond Lithium-Ion Workshop – From Current Research to Industrial Application

On the 2nd of October 2018 in Nice (France), the Beyond Lithium-Ion Workshop will take place, gathering international experts from the industry and research institutions. The workshop is meant to be a place for the exchange of knowledge from current running European collaborative projects and industrial developments dedicated to post-lithium solutions for stationary or electrical mobility. It is organized within the framework of the ALISE and ALION Horizon 2020-funded projects developing post-lithium batteries.

The event will feature experts such as Yuichi Aihara from Samsung, Hany Eitouni from SEEO, Ulderico Ulissi from OXIS Energy, Igor Cantero from CEGASA, Tobias Jonoschka from Jena Batteries, Joaquín Chacón Guadalix from ALBUFERA, Marc Deschamps from BlueSolutions, Géraldine Palissat from Ariane Group, Emmanuel Bénéfice from Zinium, Alexandre Ponrouch from ICMAB, Céline Barchasz from CEA, Robert Dominko from the National Institute of Chemistry in Slovenia, Mari Juel from SINTEF, Silvia Bodoardo from Politecnico di Torino, and Christophe Aucher from LEITAT. The event will be moderated by Deborah Creamer from Optimat.

More information about the event can be found HERE.

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