Calable solutions Optimisation and decision tool Creation for low impact SAF Production chain from a lIpid-rich microalgae sTrain
COCPIT´s ambition is to enhance the SAF production chain by bringing ground-breaking innovations at each thread of it. It aims also to provide investors with a human centred decision tool in a “”test before invest”” spirit with a high confidence level to de-risk investments.
A lipid rich microalgae strain is cultivated in an intensified reactor coupled to semi-transparent photovoltaic panels transforming harmful light spectrum into electrical power. The transformation of algal biomass into SAF is studied using two alternative pathways: The most mature one, HEFA, and a very promising one HTL. The project focuses on the circularity, productivity, sustainability and economic viability of the chain. For HEFA pathway, efficient, low impact and regenerable ionic liquids are used to extract lipids and to catalyse hydrotreatment. For HTL pathway, a continuous reactor, tailored to SAF production from the chosen strain is designed and constructed to reduce clogging issues and to size with higher precision the heat exchangers. Furthermore, the mechanistic models that are developed and used in the design increase the scalability of the HTL. Biocrude upgrading is led to give a high flexibility between SAF and shipping fuel production. The system is designed in a circular way to reduce by-products, feed system with endogenous hydrogen, recirculate nutrients and reduce its water intensiveness.
The whole integrated system is simulated with Unism software and all technical, economical, environmental and life cycle indicators are calculated under the COCPIT decision tool and typical scenarios are compiled. The decision tool is delivered within a marketplace that puts at investor’s service a range of required technological solutions, equipment and skills. It helps them also to choose the best technology that fits their project specificities. The ambition of this tool is to continue growing up after the end of the project to include all certified and promising SAF production pathways.
Leitat’s Role in the Project:
Leitat’s primary role and contribution to the project focuses on designing and preparing a set of STPV stacks based on OPV Technology.
Project Budget: 4,999,497.23€
Leitat Budget: 338,426.00€
Financial Framework: HORIZON EUROPE
Contract number: 101122101
Start Date: 01/10/2023
End Date: 30/09/2027

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101122101. Funded by the European Union.