New digital tools for remote, non-invasive and continuous diagnosis for chronic diabetic patients
As it is commonly stated, diabetes is the epidemy of this decade, with a fast growth, especially those patients suffering of type 2 diabetes (DM2).
Continuous quantification and comprehensive analysis of the DM2 user’s health is required, which naturally entails direct contact with the user’s biofluids. While blood is generally regarded as the gold reference biofluid, blood sampling is an invasive technique that is incompatible to the needs of diabetic patients.
Besides, digital medicine together with artificial intelligence (AI) shows great potential for personalized control and treatment of chronic diabetic patients.
With iDIABETES, we will create a new digital tool for remote, non-invasive and continuous diagnosis for chronic diabetic patients. ONALABS, LEITAT and SIGMA COGNITION (SIGMA) are collaborating in this project to work together in the development of a novel wearable device based along with a smart multi-parametric platform for remote, continuous sweat glucose diagnostics, and a green saliva glucometer for point-of-care analysis of saliva. Such systems are expected to be digitally connected to a cloud-based data management with the support of powerful processing tools like Deep Learning to improve the control and treatment of chronic diabetes.
Finally, we will perform the clinical validation of the sensors and the clinical trial with the services and guidance of a hospital from the network.
Project Budget: 820.666,44 €
LEITAT Budget: 417.502,44 €
Financial Framework: Proyectos en colaboración público-privada 2021
Start Date: 01/09/2022
End Date: 31/08/2025
Contract number: CPP2021-008635

Proyecto CPP2021-008635 financiado por: