SMEs: Tell us your needs regarding Key Enabling Technologies!

KET4CP is an EU-funded project that aims at facilitating the access of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to Key Enabling technologies (KETs). KETs comprise of micro and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics, and advanced manufacturing technologies. Key Enabling Technologies provide the basis for innovation in a range of products across all industrial sectors. They underpin the shift to a greener economy, are instrumental in modernizing Europe’s industrial base, and drive the development of entirely new industries. Their importance makes them a key element of European industrial policy.

KET4CP’s ambition is to establish a growing open innovation ecosystem among KET Technology Centers (TCs) and SMEs. A network of KET TCs has formed to address and service the needs of SMEs. In the premises of the project, specific tools are employed to:

  1. Design effective financing instruments for the service provision to SMEs
  2. Improve matching efficiency between KET TCs and the SMEs

In this context, this questionnaire aims at assisting KET4CP partners and KET TCs in particular, to understand better the needs and requirements of SMEs and prepare a compelling service portfolio and financing instruments for European SMEs.

We appreciate the time you take to fill-out the questionnaire and help us to design better and efficient services for the benefit of the European market and towards the long-term sustainability of the KET innovation ecosystem.

Take the survey!

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