SUSINCHAIN Project: Insects as a Substitute for Animal Protein get a Boost

SUSINCHAIN, a project funded by the Horizon 2020 program, started on 1 October 2019. The project aims to contribute to a novel protein supply for feed and food in Europe. It seeks to overcome barriers to increasing the value of the insect value chain and open the market by pooling forces in a comprehensive multi-stakeholder consortium.

The project was officially launched on 7 October during its kickoff meeting, which took place at the facilities of Wageningen University. During the two-day meeting, the large consortium presented its activities and its role within the project.

SUSINCHAIN consortium

Protein supply chain in the future extremely critical

The expected growth of the world population to 9.1 billion by 2050 and the significant change in global food habits require global food production to increase by about 60%. The protein supply for feed and food is extremely critical and requires a transition in protein sources. Edible insects can efficiently upgrade low-grade food production by-products into high-quality proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. Insects are thus considered the “missing link” in the food system of a circular and sustainable economy. Insects and insect-derived products have entered the European market since they were first recognized in about 2010 as a valuable source of protein for feed and food production. However, the expansion of the insect value chain in Europe is progressing relatively slowly.

Therefore, SUSINCHAIN aims to test and demonstrate newly developed technologies, products, and procedures to ensure a shift to technology readiness level 6 or higher for insect chains based on black soldier fly, housefly, mealworm, and crickets for feed and/or food production.

20% insect protein in 2025

These measures provide stakeholders in the insect value chain with the knowledge and data they need to reduce the cost of insect products, handle insects more efficiently, and market insect protein applications in animal feed and human diets that are safe and sustainable. This will pave the way for further upscaling and commercialization of the European insect sector, aiming to replace 10% of animal feed protein with insect protein and 20% in human nutrition, alongside a thousandfold increase in production volume and jobs by 2025.

The project has a duration of 48 months and is being carried out in collaboration with 18 industrial and 17 academic partners, with a total budget of over €8.5 million. Dr. Teun Veldkamp, as Coordinator, and Prof. Ine van der Fels-Klerx, as Deputy Coordinator, both from Wageningen University & Research, will lead the project.

The consortium of SUSINCHAIN includes the following partners from different European countries: Wageningen Research, INAGRO, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, University Degli Studi Di Torino, Københavns University, DIL German Institute of Food Technology e.V., Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, Civic Consulting, AgriProtein Holdings, Bioflytech, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, DSM Nutritional Products, Dymotec, ForFarmers Corporate Services, Hermetia Baruth, HiProMine, Havforskningsinstituttet, Leitat, Sociedade de Estudos de Análise Sensorial a Produtos Alimentares (Sense Test), Technical University of Berlin, Medical University of Vienna, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Wageningen University, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Microwave Energy Applications Management, Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, EWOS Innovation, Nutrition Sciences NV, New Generation Nutrition, Buhler Insect Technology Solutions, Bestico, Bugging Denmark, and Protifarm.

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