How to create green cities for all

There are many reasons why we need our cities to be green: to improve citizen health; to reduce flood risk; to keep us cool in ever hotter summers; to provide homes for wildlife; to clean the air we breathe, the list goes on.

So, if there are so many benefits, why aren’t all our cities green? There are lots of reasons. The GrowGreen project is looking to address:

1. Keeping it simple and talking the right language

2. Planning your green city and involving the potential ‘beneficiaries’ in its development

3. Beneficiaries as investors

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About the project: GrowGreen is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to create climate and water resilient, healthy, and liveable cities by investing in nature-based solutions.

The GrowGreen partnership will give space to nature in urban planning and development by joining forces with cities and experts in Europe and around the world, to implement solutions that deliver social, environmental, and economic benefits. By embedding nature-based solutions in long-term city planning, development, and management, accessible green and blue spaces are a permanent feature of urban areas, creating harmony between people, economy, and the environment, for the benefit of all.

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