ESEE project achieves 2nd place at European Nanoelectronics Forum

ESEE_Poster_NEF2015_02_V1 ENF ESEEThe ESEE project for Environmental Sensors for Energy Efficiency, won the 2nd place at the European Nanoelectronics Forum that took place 1st and 2nd of December 2015 in Berlin. This award is due to the well prepared posters and demonstrations made during the event in front of the public.

This is a great recognition for the work done by the researchers of the ESEE consortium! Click here (poster #1) and here (poster #2) to download the two posters presented at the event.


ESEE was started in April 2013 and will finish in May 2016. This European collaborative project has a budget volume of Euro 27 million. Nearly half of the total budget is financed by the project partners of the consortium and the remaining cost is funded by the national authorities (Call 2012-1, GA 324284) of the participating countries Germany, Netherlands, Finland, and France, with additional support of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking.

With a history that dates back to 2001, the annual European Nanoelectronics Forum (ENF) has forged a place in the agendas of everyone interested in this domain from businesses big and small, to policy makers to researchers.

The 2015 edition of this important event, will be held at the Maritim Hotel Berlin on 01-02 December in Berlin, Germany. We have negotiated preferential room rates at the event venue. We invite you to take advantage of these special rates as soon as possible to ensure availability.

Over the 2 days, under the theme Driving Digital Economy, participants will come together to learn about the latest innovations and industry trends, as well as to get updates on policy developments, European strategies and collaborative funding programmes.

With more than 70 projects to be exhibited, interactive information sessions on hot topics as well as a top notch plenary programme, ENF2015 promises to deliver a unique networking opportunity for all attendees and a comprehensive snapshot of nanoelectronics R&D&I in Europe today.


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