LEITAT at the 2nd International Ocean Research Conference (IORC)

LEITAT attended the 2nd International Ocean Research Conference (IORC) in Barcelona from the 17th to the 21st of November, where it exhibited an informational poster on the project COMMON SENSE, which is coordinated by LEITAT.

Members of the partnership also attended a number of workshops at the event, including “European marine policy and its implementation through projects for marine monitoring for blue growth,” which was organised by CYRIC (Cyprus Research and Innovation Center).

This workshop gathered together the four projects financed under the EC Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) topic “Innovative multifunctional sensors for in-situ monitoring of marine environment and related maritime activities”: SENSE OCEAN, SCHEMA, NEXOS, and COMMON SENSE; as well as other innovative projects such as MARIA BOX, BRAAVOO, ENVIGUARD, SEA-ON-A-CHIP and SMS.

The consortium was also represented at a parallel workshop on “Achievements and future research on micro-plastics in the marine environment” as well as at the “Presentation of the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) report in reference to microplastics”. The core research of COMMON SENSE includes the design, development, and integration of a cost-effective sensor for in-situ monitoring of microplastic fraction within marine litter.

Furthermore, the consortium attended the workshop on “Scientists sharing data: existing databases, improving access, data poor areas”.

To keep up to date on all the latest project news and progress updates, and to find more detailed information on the project, please visit the COMMON SENSE website: www.commonsenseproject.eu.


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