We would like to invite you to come as our guest and participate in a workshop related to innovative solutions to valorize lignin.
This event will present innovative solutions at various technological readiness levels that valorize lignin coming from the paper industry. Participants will learn what are the objectives in Europe about lignin valorization, problems faced by the paper industry, solutions implemented during the lignin production and finally different technologies available to valorize lignin. Speakers will include small and large industries but also research centres that will present results of development activities.

Participation to this event is free but registration is required. Download this form and send it back filled to info@cnt-ltd.co.uk.
We have confirmed participation from guests coming from organisations such as SINTEF, Norske Skog, Fraunhofer CBP, Vertoro, Borregaard, Leitat, CENER, and GECCO.
Liberate is a 4-year Horizon 2020 project that started in October 2018 and that aims to develop a pilot scale electrochemical plant to demonstrate the commercial opportunities of converting low cost lignin feedstock in high value biosustainable chemicals such as vanillin, antioxidants or polyamide.
It has four main objectives:
- Electrochemical depolymerisation of kraft lignin to synthesise vanillin with a 7% yield.
- Electrochemical depolymerisation of organosolv lignin to synthesise mixed phenolic derivate oligomers with a yield of > 35%
- Electrochemical oxidation of biosustainable cyclohexanol derivatives to synthesise propyl adipic acid with a yield of up to 80%.
- A biorefinery process capable of accommodating renewable energy fluctuations without loss in efficiency, exhibiting a 95% improvement in the energy efficiency of the process and 350% improvement in resource efficiency, and producing 29 times less CO2 than the conventional petrochemical alternatives.