Open day ‘IoT large scale pilot on smart farming and food security’

The Alliance for Internet of Things innovation organises this Open day to inform about the work of its working group on Smart farming and food security and provide opportunities to network and exchange ideas on upcoming opportunities under Work programme 2016-2017 for creating a large scale pilot. Register by 20th November.

In March 2015, the European Commission initiated the creation of the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI). The overall goal of the establishment of the AlOTI is the creation of a dynamic European IoT ecosystem to unleash the potentials of the IoT and to develop and support the dialogue and interaction among IoT various players. The AIOTI will assist the European Commission in the preparation of future IoT research as well as innovation and standardisation policies. It is also going to play an essential role in the designing of IoT Large Scale Pilots, which will be funded under the H2020 2016-2017 Work Programme.

The «Smart farming and food security» working group of the AIOTI has recently published the report «Smart Farming and Food Safety Internet of Things Applications – Challenges for Large Scale Implementations» containing the recommendations for future collaborative work in the context of the Internet of Things Focus Area in Horizon 2020. IoT technologies have the potential of helping European farming and food sector face important challenges for the future through real-time monitoring, better decision making, and improved operations management of the whole value chain, from farm to fork.

Download the full Report


An Open Day is organized by the «Smart farming and food security» working group of the AIOTI next 26th of November in Brussels with the following objectives:


Presentation of the activities of the «smart farming and food security» working group of the AIOTI.
Presentation of the report «Smart Farming and Food Safety Internet of Things Applications – Challenges for Large Scale Implementations».
Provide the opportunity for networking, brokerage and exchanges ideas linked to the IoT Large Scale Pilots which will be funded under the H2020 2016-2017 Work Programme.


We encourage the participation of those actors which play an active role in the agro-food chain (farmers, machinery suppliers, food processors, retailers, wholesalers, consumer organizations, etc) as well as scientists and IoT technology suppliers working in the agro-food sector.


Registration by 20 Novermber and draft agenda are available here:


Event date: 18/11/2015
Venue: Spanish Office for Science and Technology (SOST), Rue du Trône 62, 7th floor, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium


More info and source on EC website

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