SMARTPRO researchers win Young Research Award at ICANS26

vraveioAspasia Antonelou and Spyros N. Yannopoulos, two researchers involved in the SMARTPRO project, received the Young Research Award ath the ICANS26, the International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors, which took place in Aachen (Germany), 13-18 September 2015.


Both researchers presented a poster entitled Laser processing of SiC: From graphene-coated SiC particles to 3D graphene froths. In their research, they explore the feasibility of laser-assisted graphitization of micron sized SiC particles. They demonstrate that laser-mediated SiC decomposition, at nearly ambient conditions, can result in a manifold of graphene structures e.g. SiC particles covered by few-layer epitaxial graphene up to highly porous graphene-like structures (froth morphology). The poster can be downloaded here.


More information on SMARTPRO here.

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