TEAMS project


Testing Antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis 


This project stems from an urgent need of novel therapies in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and aims to address the following main objectives:

Find novel therapeutic targets in MS 

To provide novel therapeutic tools against novel targets in the field. The project is carried out by the company IMMED as the leader and two participant research centers LEITAT and IISP-FIBHLPR.

Overall, this project aims to reinforce the knowledge on the deleterious role of immune receptors in MS and to provide novel, specific, target-directed therapeutic mAbs in a field with high medical need of novel drugs. Likewise, results might provide enough pre-clinical evidence to evaluate an eventual clinical development of the different therapeutic monoclonal antibodies candidates researched in the setting of MS and related syndromes. If successful, novel therapies from this project would certainly benefit MS patients, their families, and their clinicians, which could come with additional tools to assist the patients. 

Project Budget: 1.236.104,53 €

LEITAT Budget: 310.737,85 €                                   

Financial Framework: Proyectos en colaboración público-privada 2021                          

Start Date: 01/03/2022

End Date: 28/02/2025

Contract number: CPP2021-008532                             


Proyecto CPP2021-008532 financiado por:

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