Research in technologies for the intelligent and sustainable management of the cycle of the water in tourist facilities


The main objective of the WATERTUR project, within the framework of the 2016 RIS3CAT call and the 2014-2020 FEDER Operational Program of Catalonia, is to investigate new technologies to optimize and provide greater intelligence to the main points of water consumption, especially in the recreational area and the various treatment systems that exist in tourist facilities such as hotels.

Project Budget: 1.536.798,59 €

LEITAT Budget: 239.088,81 €

Financial Framework: RIS3CAT

Contract number: COMRDI16-1-0064

Start Date: 01/07/2017

End Date: 30/06/2020

Part of:

Contact Manager: S. Nieva

Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional de la Unió Europea en el marc del Programa Operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020 amb un ajut de 516.776,46 €.

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