European City Facility: A Great Opportunity for Cities to Prepare for a Greener Future

The European City Facility (EUCF) has just opened its first call for applications to support municipalities and local authorities in developing Investment Concepts related to the implementation of actions identified in their climate and energy action plans. The ultimate objective of the EUCF is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities in Europe. The deadline for applying is until the 2nd of October 2020.

With a fixed grant of 60,000€, activities such as technical feasibility studies, market analysis, stakeholder analysis, legal, economic and financial analysis, risk analysis, etc. can be funded to clearly identify their need towards climate and energy action plans.

How Can Leitat Help You?

Leitat has a strong experience in developing sustainable solutions for the industrial and civil sectors, might it be in the consumption and production fields and covers among others energy efficiency and mobility issues. Leitat has a wide practice carrying out energy audits and energy savings studies allowing a reduction of the environmental impact. Our solutions reduce the energy consumption and foster renewable energy sources by selecting the most cost and energy efficient technologies in each situation. Last, Leitat carries out technical training sessions to improve professional’s expertise in energy efficiency solutions, energy management, cases studies and more.

Leitat is participating in various EU projects in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy:

  • HOUSEFUL (Horizon 2020): The project aims to support the refurbishment of the existing house buildings through circular solutions.
  • Leitat’s role: coordinator of the project, in charge of the overall assessment for the circular solutions, regarding environmental solutions, energy efficiency, economic and social aspects. The project will demonstrate the effectiveness of several circular solutions applied to buildings refurbishment, improving circularity of material’s usage, water and black-water reuse and treatment with nature based solutions, energy efficiency and renewable energy production and organic waste to biogas production.
  • STEP-2-SPORT (Intelligent Energy Europe 2014-2017): The project aims to support the refurbishment of the existing sport buildings through step by step renovation towards nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB).
  • Leitat’s role: coordinator of the project, conduct energy audits in 5 pilot sport buildings, development of Action Plans for the energy renovation of pilot sport facilities, implementation of energy improvement measures, monitoring the energy savings achieved in the pilots, organization of training sessions at national level, and promoting the use of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC).
  • RESSEEPEE (Seventh Framework Programme FP7 2013-2017): The project provides retrofitting solutions and services for the enhancement of Energy Efficiency in Public Edification.
  • Leitat’s role: energy assessment of the technologies implemented in 5 public buildings: healthcare centres, university and schools. A carbon footprint analysis has been conducted for each one of the buildings. Leitat has also collaborated in the development of energy storage / energy balance solutions based on supercapacitors.

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