Innovative Approaches for an Integrated use of Algae in Sustainable Aquaculture Practices and High-value Food applications.
Website: Innoaqua Project
The Farm to Fork Strategy of the European Green Deal has acknowledged the potential of algae to become an important source of alternative low-carbon footprint protein and contribute to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of the aquaculture sector. Nonetheless, the European algae industry is still at an early phase lagging behind the overall increase seen at a global level, mostly driven by Asia.
Within this context, INNOAQUA aims to pave the path towards the upcoming sustainable and diversified EU in-land aquaculture industry by leaning on the demonstration and mainstreaming of innovative algae-based foods and solutions, and ecology, circularity and digitalization concepts. To this end, the project will address main barriers hindering the growth of the sector, starting with the demonstration at a pre-commercial level (TRL6-7) of the operational, technical, and socio-economic robustness of digitally enhanced integrated fish and algae RAS-IMTA cultivation systems, continued by the piloting of optimised processing techniques following biorefinery principles and the formulation of high added value seafood products. All this, accompanied by a dedicated waste minimisation and valorisation strategy to help optimizing and increasing its economic and sustainability performance.
Moreover, INNOAQUA will also work on understanding how consumer perceptions and social norms influence the consumption of innovative seafood products by co-creating the products together with end-users and simulating their uptake in digital models of communities to identify effective market deployment and penetration strategies.
Lastly, INNOAQUA will be enhanced by the adoption of a multi-level outreaching strategy which will the development of robust dissemination, communication and exploitation plans, materials for skills development and activities to foster international cooperation, aimed at fostering knowledge transfer and ultimately helping maximize the project’s scope and impact.
Project Budget: 7,275,017.5€
Leitat Budget: 593,655€
Financial Framework: HORIZON EUROPE
Contract number: 101084383
Start Date: 01/06/2023
End Date: 30/05/2027
Main role & contribution in the project:
WP Leaders-Nutrient Extraction;
Extraction of ingredients from fish discards;
Formulation of innovative seafood products.

Funded by the European Union under grant agreement number 101084383. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.