KET4CP Project: Call for Micro Grants Proposals Officially Launched!

KET4CleanProduction is a coordination and support action (CSA) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. The project promotes the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies (KETs) by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their production processes towards greater resource and energy efficiency.

To support this, the project aims to create an open innovation ecosystem with a one-stop-shop web platform and has launched an open call for proposals offering financial support (€50,000 per SME) to:

  • Facilitate access for manufacturing SMEs to technology services and facilities for clean production innovation, and
  • Enable cross-border cooperation with two international KET Technology Centres in clean production.

The call is open to all SMEs located in one of the EU member states or H2020 associated countries [1]. Applicant SMEs must be active in the manufacturing sector, which includes the physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. This covers a wide range of sectors, including machinery and equipment, automotive, chemicals, medical and healthcare, transportation, food, etc. (activities listed under NACE Section D [2]).

A cross-border project requires one SME and two KET Technology Centres from at least two different EU member states.

Eligible Activities

The activities eligible for financial support should focus on the integration of advanced manufacturing technologies in combination with multi-KETs, aiming to achieve one or more of the following clean production objectives:

  • Development of new production processes;
  • Improvement of manufacturing processes for existing products by reducing production costs;
  • Reduction of reliance on raw materials in manufacturing of existing products;
  • Reduction of energy consumption during the entire life cycle of products;
  • Diminution of environmental impacts through reduced waste generation and lower pollution emissions.

Application Process

A micro grant proposal form can be submitted anytime while the call for proposals is open, or until the maximum funding capacity is reached. Proposals are evaluated every three months at distinct cut-off dates, with the first evaluation on 31st July 2018. Proposals will be evaluated as submitted, and no additions or changes will be accepted after submission.

By accepting the micro grant, the applicant SME commits to providing an implementation report and feedback on the supported activities.

How to Apply

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