RAWMINA Project Newsletter – January 2023

RAWMINA Project Newsletter - January 2023


An integrated, innovative pilot system for recovery of critical raw materials from mine waste.

Don’t miss the last Newsletter of the Rawmina Project! You can read it online and keep up to date with the latest news such as:

👉 Labs and Pilot schemes.

👉 Our Raw Minerals research & innovation community.

👉 Events & more!

Find the full Newsletter HERE

About the project
RAWMINA aims to develop and to demonstrate the RAWMINA pilot system: an industrially scalable and flexible innovative pilot in continuous operation for MW valorisation, achieving 95% recovery rate and 95% selectivity for CRMs (Co, Sb, Ge, W), and 80-90% recovery rate and 95% selectivity for Gold (Au), Silver (Ag) and Iron (Fe) based high-value products, whilst reutilising 90% of water. The RAWMINA pilot system will treat up to 100-150 kg MW/day on an industrial demonstration (TRL7, 12 months operation) and includes an efficient, circular and robust process control by an end-to-end Intelligent Management System.

Keep up to date by following the project on social media:

🎯 Twitter: https://twitter.com/RawminaEU

🎯 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/rawmina-project/


The RAWMINA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 958252

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