The Executive Agency for SMEs has developed an interactive tool that generates information on EU funding programmes. Currently, the application is available for the following:
- Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking
- Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency
- Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge ‘Climate action, environment, resource efficiency & raw materials’
- Horizon 2020 Fast Track to Innovation
- Horizon 2020 FET Open
- Horizon 2020 Innosup
- Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
The application consists of 3 different modules:
- A dynamic map showing all the beneficiaries of the programme
- Beneficiaries and project lists
- Statistics
Additional functionalities
- Project type
- Participant type
- Countries
- Topics
- Budget
- Call date
- Project start date
- Project end date
Free-text search:
At the top of the left pane, you will find a free-text search box. Type one or several keywords and press enter or click the magnifier icon to launch the search. The 3 modules (map, lists, and statistics) will display your search results.
The application can be embedded in any website, for example, here. To embed, click on ‘Embed this app in your website’ at the bottom of the screen, copy the code, and paste it in the HTML code of your page. You can change parameters by clicking on ‘advanced options’.
A disclaimer is available at the bottom of the screen. The information in the application is retrieved from Corda, the framework programmes for research and innovation central repository. All information is provided by the applicants to the programme.
Please note the following limitations in the statistics module:
- Budget per country: For SME Instrument Phase 1 projects, the EU contribution (€50,000) is attributed to the country of the coordinator.
- Number of projects per country: All projects are attributed to the country of the coordinator.
The application will be automatically updated after each call. The date of the last update is displayed at the bottom left of the screen.
For more information, visit here or contact EASME’s web team at